
Hiro Yoshijima is a rising star in the Tokyo Police Force. His inhuman reflexes and accurate aim, honed through years in his high school archery club, have proven useful to the Tokyo Police and he is moving into the Special Assault Team (SAT) in the next year. All this comes with a raise and what Hiro hopes will be a better life and a bigger house to accommodate him and his fiancee, Kaori Akiyama. Hiro's perfect world falls apart, however, when his parents and fiancee all die in a car crash one day. Lost and feeling helpless, Hiro wallows in grief and self-pity until he meets Raizo Yamaguchi.

He is introduced to a whole new world, one that is a physical carbon-copy of the real world, but is completely isolated from it; a parallel dimension. This world, however, exists only for one hour, the 25th hour. He discovers that the massive trauma he has experienced has allowed him to see this parallel dimension at 12:59.59am everyday. He finds out quickly that he must either join the Ante or Post faction. The Ante faction fights for a repeat of yesterday. These fighers are primarily motivated by regret and the desire for a second chance. The Post faction fights to continue the natural flow of time. These fighters answer to their own sense of duty and self-rightiousness.

Which faction will you choose as Hiro? What will your end be? What would you do for a second chance?