Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Character sketches!

Here are a couple of character sketches! These come courtesy of LegendaryPirate :)! In other news, I'm still busy studying for AP tests ('"_ _), but I promise I will continue working on the scripting and story and I'll post a full character list with short character bios ASAP. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


The good news is my artist contacted me so I do have an artist working on this after all :)! The bad news is he's pretty bogged down with school for the next two weeks. Same here. I have AP testing during the first week of May and a couple of finals next week so I won't be able to work on this for one or two weeks. But after AP testing (which pretty much marks the end of my year), I'm FREE :D (although, technically, there's still a month or so of school left). So sit tight! Summer will be a whirlwind of activity and work on the project :)!

My miniature heart-attack, when I thought I didn't have an artist, prompted me to try drawing myself just to practice for future VNs or maybe even this one. Here's two sketches I did in about 2 hours (yeah, I'm a beginner XP). The first is the first manga-style drawing I've ever attempted the draw (keyword: attempted). The second is a little better and I'm surprised that it looks OK :). Any comments/suggestions on my art is appreciated :D. And by the way, both were done with pencil and marker; I don't have a tablet yet :(.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Artist MIA D:

Chapter 1 is finally done!!! I finished writing it yesterday and the scripting is almost done as well. The only thing missing now is a couple of backgrounds (which will take only a couple of minutes to make), and character sprites. And that's where the problem lies.

The artist I thought I'd be working with is missing in action! So I'm stuck with no character sprites and no preliminary character sketches to show you :(. I'm pretty sure he's either really busy or there was miscommunication about the sprites. But I'm going to assume the worst-case scenario so now I'm missing an artist.

It's not that big of a deal (yeah right) because I can always work on something else. But it would be nice to have some art previews to show everyone. So if you'd like to help out or know anyone who can, please let me know! In other news, the story overview is up. I finally thought of names for the two opposing factions :D! If you'd like to subscribe or follow the dev blog, I've finally migrated my feed to FeedBurner so click on the reader box to subscribe or the follow box to follow ;)! Stay tuned (haha) for more updates!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Story update

Update! It sucks that it's Sunday already...with school coming up :(. Well, anyways, on with the update. So over the weekend, I hit a hitch in the story. I figured, well, since one faction is fighting for the day before to repeat, what happens when the other faction wins and time continues, who in their right mind is going to continue fighting -.-. I was stuck on that and trying to figure out all Saturday night. But, after sleeping on it, I finally came up with an idea! What is it? Well, you'll have to wait for the game to come out to figure that out! Anyways, just letting everybody know I'm alive, well, and working on the game so sit tight and be sure to check/subscribe for updates!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dev blog up and running!

Well, the dev blog is up and hopefully I'll be updating this very often! If you want more information about the project, click here: I will still be logging major updates on the LemmaSoft forums but if you're looking for smaller updates, be sure to bookmark or subscribe to the dev blog.

As soon as the artwork is finished, I will be creating a "Characters" page with artwork of all the characters. There will also be a page (soon) with an overview of the plot and a more detailed description (don't worry, there'll be no spoilers :P) of the two factions. Feel free to comment on the dev blog because I'll definitely be reading all your feedback! Please also feel free to leave suggestions, but just be aware that I may not implement all of them. Sorry :(, it's not that any of your suggestions may be bad, it's just that I can't keep changing the plot and if I followed every suggestion word-for-word, it wouldn't really be my VN project anymore :).

So, keep your eyes on the dev blog for updates! I hope to release one demo before the full game is released to give people a little sneak peak of the artwork, backgrounds, music, and dialogue all together so look forward to that :D!